(807) 274-3131 info@gizhac.com

FASD and Child Nutrition

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong brain-based disability. It is the result of alcohol exposure in utero (Prenatal Alcohol Exposure). This can result in physical, mental, behavioural, and cognitive deficits. Symptoms and presentation can vary based on a number of factors, such as, how and when alcohol was consumed, pre-existing genetic factors and environmental interactions across the lifespan.

Individuals with FASD will experience some challenges that can include but are not limited to, having a scattered uneven profile, poor executive functioning (difficulty with judging, planning, consequences, delayed gratification, organization impulsivity and memory), neuromotor defects (impaired balance and coordination), communication skill and sensory issues. FASD is brain based and therefore, invisible or hidden disability. While individuals may share common features, every individual is unique with their own strengths and challenges.

Individuals with FASD that do not have the proper supports are at increased risk for early school failure, involvement with the law, family disruptions, and homelessness.

FASD is found in all cultures and levels of society.

 The FASD and Child Nutrition programming includes, but is not limited to:

-Group education sessions

-One-on-one education sessions

-FASD support groups

-Health fairs and community awareness campaigns

-Pre and post-natal educational support

-Community kitchens and baby food making workshops

-Breakfast learning programs

-Traditional parenting teachings